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Spina Bifida Tips
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
The medical term spina bifida or spinal bifida refers to a congenital defect in the spine. In simpler terms, spina bifida is a defect in the neural tube. Based on the severity of this disease, spina bifida can be divided into three different types:
The symptoms of spina bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the most severe...more
The symptoms of spina bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the most severe...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
What Is Kyphosis Disease?
Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the back. It can occur at any age but is most common in older women.
Age-related kyphosis is often due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to compress or crack. Other types of kyphosis can appear in infants or teens due to malformation of the spine or wedging of the spinal bones over time.
Mild kyphosis causes few problems. Severe kyphosis can cause pain and be disfiguring. Treatment for kyphosis d...more
Kyphosis is an exaggerated, forward rounding of the back. It can occur at any age but is most common in older women.
Age-related kyphosis is often due to weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to compress or crack. Other types of kyphosis can appear in infants or teens due to malformation of the spine or wedging of the spinal bones over time.
Mild kyphosis causes few problems. Severe kyphosis can cause pain and be disfiguring. Treatment for kyphosis d...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
The medical term spina bifida or spinal bifida refers to a congenital defect in the spine. In simpler terms, spinal bifida is a defect in the neural tube. Based on the severity of this disease, spinal bifida can be divided into three different types:
The symptoms of spinal bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the mo...more
The symptoms of spinal bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the mo...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
The medical term spina bifida or spinal bifida refers to a congenital defect in the spine. In simpler terms, spina bifida is a defect in the neural tube. Based on the severity of this disease, spina bifida can be divided into three different types:
The symptoms of spina bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the most severe...more
The symptoms of spina bifida vary depending on each of these three types. Let's take a closer look at its symptoms here:
Myelomeningocele is the most severe...more
Last Updated: 7 years ago• Featured Tip
What You Need to Know About Clubfoot?
Clubfoot most often presents at birth.
Clubfoot is caused by a shortened Achilles tendon, which causes the foot to turn in and under.
Clubfoot is twice as common in boys.
Treatment is necessary to correct clubfoot and is usually done in two phases casting and bracing.
Children with clubfoot should be able to take part in regular daily activities once the condition is treated.
What is clubfoot?...more
Clubfoot most often presents at birth.
Clubfoot is caused by a shortened Achilles tendon, which causes the foot to turn in and under.
Clubfoot is twice as common in boys.
Treatment is necessary to correct clubfoot and is usually done in two phases casting and bracing.
Children with clubfoot should be able to take part in regular daily activities once the condition is treated.
What is clubfoot?...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
Pregnancy brings with it a new set of additional responsibilities. The mother has to be extra vigilant about monitoring and caring for her health. This ensures that sufficient nutrition is being provided to the growing infant, at the same time, ensuring no harm comes through you. Listed below are some simple ways to do the same.
Prenatal care: As soon as you realize that you are pregnant, it is advisable to talk to a doctor or a midwife about proper prenatal care. This could include any...more
Prenatal care: As soon as you realize that you are pregnant, it is advisable to talk to a doctor or a midwife about proper prenatal care. This could include any...more
Last Updated: 8 years ago• Featured Tip
D.Sc (Urology), PhD (Pscho Sexual more
Folic acid is an important form of vitamin B, which women must take during pregnancy. It is a form of man-made vitamin B known as folate. Folate plays a significant role in producing red blood cells and helps in the development of your baby s neural tube into the brain and spinal cord, preventing any kind of birth defects in your baby. Birth defects of the brain or spinal cord may occur in early stages of pregnancy.
Therefore, by the time a woman discovers her pregnancy, it may become too l...more
Therefore, by the time a woman discovers her pregnancy, it may become too l...more
Last Updated: 4 years ago• Featured Tip
Hydrocephalus is a condition that is also called water on the brains . This condition is triggered in children when the cerebrospinal fluid (CPF) isn t drained completely from the brain. This fluid surrounds and protects the brain and the spinal cord and when it doesn t find an outlet, it accumulates in the brain.
Very young children with hydrocephalus have enlarged heads to accommodate all the excess water. But older children whose skull bones have solidified and cannot expand suffer ...more
Very young children with hydrocephalus have enlarged heads to accommodate all the excess water. But older children whose skull bones have solidified and cannot expand suffer ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Do you know about a condition called cystic fibrosis that makes your baby s skin taste very salty after birth? The condition changes over time, in which the body makes sweat and mucus, and also affects the digestive system and lung functioning. The condition generally occurs because of a flawed gene. This is a severe and life-threatening disease that affects different people in different ways.
The gene, called CTFR is present in all humans. It makes a protein that controls th...more
The gene, called CTFR is present in all humans. It makes a protein that controls th...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a group of genetic disorders that primarily affect the bones, making them extremely weak. It is also known as brittle bones disease . This genetic disease is incurable and the treatment is primarily focused on pacifying the condition by reducing pain and strengthening the bones.
The symptoms of OI include, but are not limited to, recurring fractures, bluish tinge in the white of the eyes, hearing loss, breathing problems, short height, loose joints and d...more
The symptoms of OI include, but are not limited to, recurring fractures, bluish tinge in the white of the eyes, hearing loss, breathing problems, short height, loose joints and d...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
The heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout the body, thereby supplying the body with the essential nutrients and oxygen while removing the harmful toxins and wastes. Certain conditions may interfere with the ability of the heart to pump blood (there could be clogging in one of the artery or arteries). Devoid of blood and the essential nutrients, the other vital organs soon start to falter. In fact, reduced supply of oxygen and blood to the brain can prove to be fatal, triggering loss...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
The hip is a ball-and-socket joint in the human body. Normally, the ball located at the upper part of the thighbone (femur) firmly fits into the socket, which is a part of the pelvis bone. In people, especially children and babies, who have Developmental Dysplasia of Hips (DDH), the ball does not fit the socket perfectly. Therefore, the hip joint is not formed completely and is likely to dislocate easily.
DDH is a congenital disorder, meaning the condition is present at birth. However, ...more
DDH is a congenital disorder, meaning the condition is present at birth. However, ...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic condition, which primarily affects the lungs and persistence of this condition might lead to severe breathing problems and loss of lung function. If you have inherited two copies of the defective gene from your parents, you are likely to suffer from this disease. Cystic Fibrosis causes a buildup of thick mucus in your lungs and affects other organs such as the kidneys, pancreas and the intestines in your body.
It isn't very uncommon as one out of fifty peopl...more
It isn't very uncommon as one out of fifty peopl...more
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
Muscular Dystrophy-
Muscular Dystrophy is not a single disease but a group of hereditary muscle-destroying disorders. There are more than 30 types of these disorders, vary in their inheritance pattern, rate of progression, initial muscle attacked and age of onset.
The skeletal muscles are the main group of muscles affected by this disorder. The skeletal muscles are used during voluntary body movements. There are progressive weakness and degeneration of these group of muscles.
Muscular Dystrophy is not a single disease but a group of hereditary muscle-destroying disorders. There are more than 30 types of these disorders, vary in their inheritance pattern, rate of progression, initial muscle attacked and age of onset.
The skeletal muscles are the main group of muscles affected by this disorder. The skeletal muscles are used during voluntary body movements. There are progressive weakness and degeneration of these group of muscles.
Last Updated: 5 years ago• Featured Tip
M.Ch ( Surgical gastroenterology), M.S, more
Surgical Gastroenterologist•Chennai
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI), also called pancreatic deficiency, is a disorder where the pancreas is unable to produce the sufficient amount of enzymes that are required to digest food. The pancreatic enzymes help to break down and absorb nutrients from the food in the small intestine. So, this disease causes nutritional deficiencies.
Causes of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
This condition is generally caused as a complication of other diseases because EPI develop...more
Causes of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
This condition is generally caused as a complication of other diseases because EPI develop...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Most families refer to their newborn baby as their 'bundle of joy'. The news of a child being born brings immense joy to the entire family. However, due to various reasons, a child could be born with some medical abnormalities, which would be known as congenital abnormalities. There are several different types of heart defects that can be congenital. These usually manifest themselves either immediately after birth or in the early years of life. In some cases, the abnormality could be detected on...more
Last Updated: 6 years ago• Featured Tip
Weakness of the muscles due to a genetically inherited condition is known as muscular dystrophy. This condition prevents the body from producing the required protein that can help in building muscles. This protein is also responsible for making the muscles strong and stable. This is most commonly seen in children who may seem clumsy as they begin to grow up and indulge in varied kinds of movements. Let us learn more about this condition and the ways in which it may be treated.
1. Sympto...more
1. Sympto...more
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